I found this on my hard drive, and I can not remember when I made this video. A few months ago at least. For whatever reason, I decided not to upload it.
I used to make lists of all the games I wanted for the systems I owned, and print them out, crossing out the games I bought on the list. I found one I made, probably 15 years ago, and am running you through the list of games that I wanted for the PS1 at the time.
Some of them are understandable, while others, I'm not even sure why I wanted them. Some of the games I have played, while others I haven't but I provided some details for all the games. I still seem to have a good enough memory about most of the games on the list to say something about them.
Oh, and the footage I use after my PS1 Game Montage is an old PS1 RPG tribute video I made long before I ever had a capture card. I used to record footage on a VCR, then choose the footage I liked, and record it onto a second VHS tape (Using two VCRs), and when the footage was edited to my liking, I would take the edited footage, and record it onto a final VHS tape, taking the red and white compite sound cables out of the VCR that I was recording the final footage on, and putting the sound cables for my PS1 or Dreamcast in with music playing to make an edited music video. The quality was terrible, but I had fun making those old VHS videos. Sort of a foreshadowing of things to come.
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